Thursday 31 July 2014



Today has been another hot, but clearly not an uneventful day. Personal matters were discussed in subjects I have talked about in my previous blogs I still have but am too open-hearted to delete. A festival in our neighbourhood did soundchecks throughout the afternoon. It rained, a little. My parents are inviting people over on Saturday to listen to the music and noise nearly practically in our backyard. Me? I'm having a friend coming over tomorrow, we're going to see Michael Monroe in said festival, Tikkurila Festival to be precise.

Elsa and Bimbo are enjoying the most of my mother's cleaning, and are sure to drop one hair by one on the freshly cleaned floor, to name something these lords of mischief do. Mother doesn't seem to mind, though, which is a good thing. A very good thing.

I managed to snap pictures with my iPod Touch throughout the day. Since it is not an item specialised on taking pictures, I apologise for the quality.

Tired after such a long day...

...of doing absolutely nothing.

And Kobain has had some fun, too. She has been running around in Dustwallow Marsh, killing one beast after the other, drinking a healing potion or two before rushing into the next fight. After raiding a nearby Grimtotem Tauren village, she completed the Marsh Venom quest. And for those that do not understand what I am talking about, let me sum it up into this: she got a fine, fancy and fabulous new hat to wear.

"Hello everybody!"

"Isn't this new thing covering my face great??"


"Don't mind me, I'm just a mere fisherman..."

I see she's as excited as I am.

That's enough for now, see you soon!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

3. Photogenic Elsa being photogenic

'Sup everyone!

Today, while photographing Elsa and Bimbo, I noticed this blog has yet a vague selection of cat content. Okay, to be fair enough, all I ever talk about here is everything but cats, giving them a weak place in the spotlight through daily set of pictures. This is going to change.

So today, I have been photographing my kitty buddies. Elsa was the supermodel of the day, since she is the only of them two who has patience of staying still in one position, while Bimbo constantly walks around, turns his head, and so on.

Got some nice pics with my Samsung XCover 2.

Elsa saw the chance of being the center of attention - and took it...

...up until she felt sleepy.

Just like Bimbo.

Excuse me, sir... are you purring in your sleep?

It's getting late, at least for my biological clock it is. Have a nice night, evening, morning, day, whatever is accurate.


Tuesday 29 July 2014

2. Achievements? Maybe...

Hi y'all!

Yesterday I broke my personal record of playing WoW. I had been playing from 9 o'clock to 3 pm, with one hour of break between 12 pm to 1 pm. From what I have counted, I had been playing for over 5 hours. 5 hours! I had been controlling different characters on different realms and leveled up like a beast. Then again, I played and still play private servers (read: pirate servers) which have an unnaturally high boost on everything, from money to experience, reputations to skill gain, so it's not a real surprise for any of my readers that I had been playing them like hell. Also I think 5 is a minimum amount of play hours for everyone that plays any kind of WoW and keeps rolling in dungeons and battlegrounds with their level 60-90 character.

But as said, it's a personal record. Not a world record, not even near it. At least Kobain had had some fun running from one flight point to another, and killing giant spiders and zombies. Oh, and always pretending to be the captain of the ship that goes between two continents, be it a simple elven vessel or a wooden pirate ship - I do mean, always.

And yesterday I got a brand new laptop. Ever since my old laptop had self-titled itself as old, and moreover as a grumpy ol' pap who refused to work, we had had in thought to get me one that did want to cooperate. So right now, I am writing this blog entry on the new keyboard of a new laptop.

Today, I went to a shopping center with me, I, and myself. Bought 2 The Sims games (1 expansion and a stuff pack); an Iron Maiden CD (The Number of the Beast); a pair of socks because winter is coming in some months; a pen; and lastly, ice cream, which I was supposed to eat at home, but, you know, I couldn't resist the temptation.

While installing all of my games on this computer, be it Ever Quest, Elder Scrolls, Warcraft or The Sims, I take advantage of the loading time and spend it doing something useful. For example, photographing Elsa and Bimbo. Here are some fresh photos right from the roll.

Elsa looks awfully much like the sophisticated adult cat she is.

Have a great, great day, whether it's raining or not. Rainclouds here decided to stop by, but so far, not a single drop has cooled the day. We'll see what will become of them.


Sunday 27 July 2014

1. Hello world!


Hi everybody!

Right. So.

I will introduce myself, to begin with.

My name is Pella. Yeah. Pella. Not from the most common end of girl names in Finland, I guess.
I'm fifteen years old. Yup. A fifteen year old running a blog. That's not very uncommon, though, these days there is Tumblr, the greatest library of brilliant text posts of ultimate brilliance and stupid gifsets of David stupid Tennant (don't read the 'stupid' part, in reality he is my spirit animal) and oh-so much more. Also it's the core of the existence of no-lifeness (not that you'd have a life, digging into the core of the whole freaking existence, anyway). But ta-da, I'm running a Blogger blog. About what? Keep reading if you really want to know.
I'm a girl. And sorry lads. Lesbian.
I live in Finland. Well. Did you see that coming? Probably you did, since I assume you really did not skip the first sentence of my silly introduction.
My life currently revolves around cats, photography, metal music and World of Warcraft. Of which, I only have just about the first three as a physical copy. Will tell you about that later.

Not wanting to waste a wall of text upon a blog but instead make it beneficial to help revive my essays and dead stories and poems, I'll keep the next things as short as possible. Maybe.

This blog is assumed to be a blog about cats, cats and cats. But since there is a lot of waves breaking the shores of life at the same (boy am I poetric), I doubt it will become more less than a random blog with an even more bizarre essence. Because there is none. Well, with an exception for cats.

Ugh, I've been rambling again. Should save my fingers, my back, my neck and my sight to school projects instead of waffling about-- what? Sorry, I forgot.

Let's move on to the next section. Since this blog will mostly be about cats, as you can probably assume merely from the title itself, I'll introduce my Crazy Cat Lady: Starter Edition.

My first cat I have known since she got to her new home, about four years ago. She's the purr-incess of the house, or at least she thinks she is. When she was merely a kitten, she wanted to be fed special food for baby cats of her age (she still had the teeth of a baby, so "toddler food" wasn't an option for her) while being held in the arms of Her Majesty's New Mommy. To this day, she behaves like the queen we should all worship like a godess, and really has got her own room (the pet-guest-study room) we all call the Elsa Studio or Cat Studio, but I guess Elsa likes the first one the best.

A cat we got about a year or two after Elsa, because of a mouse incident in the house and my mother's strategy thinking. And yeah, no, we did NOT choose the name. But tell you what, despite that in fact SHE is a HE by the looks of his name, he wears it well-earned. He eats rabbit food, is nice, kind and warm like a dog (not lying here, he's like a living plush toy when it comes to this), tries to be as human as possible and his forehead has made close aquintenance with the walls of the house. We think it's part of a identity crisis (we assume) he has, but nobody knows for real.

To make this blog a little more colourful, and to make more advantage of the fact I used "Picture Window" as a default theme for the blog, there will, for as long as this blog is running, lots of pictures and music. With my former blogs, I used to keep the pictures away to paint a grey world with white skies and black trees, because, well, the themes themselves weren't of the cheeriest side. But from now on, there will be lots of pictures in every entry, with an exception for quick updates. Also, since I'm a huge fan of metal and rock and punk and grunge and classic music, there will always be a little piece of music at the end of every entry. Like this time, where I chose my current favourite song by Within Temptation, The Promise.

Also, to add a little more of that ramdomness in this blog, let me (not so) proudly introduce the Little Helper of the blog, a World of Warcraft character by the name of Kobain.


(I could have chosen among many much, much better characters of mine, trust me. But since Kobain is a little silly elf herself with a big kittie as a mount, I thought it would fit here perfectly. Or something that way.)

Due to many, many things, including laziness and school, it will only be in the hands of whatever controls the universe what this blog will turn out to become after a few entries. Or then I might surprise you all and turn the theme of the blog upside down. Who knows?

Well, I'll let you go to what ever on Earth it was that you were doing before stumbling across my blog.


134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...