Saturday 20 September 2014

13. Little one, little one, your soul is purring!


It's been a while since I've last seen you guys. School has eaten all my leisure time, again, and much has happened in my private life since our last meeting. For example, an essay-story hybrid has been done and given to my teacher with great fear, but I can say handing it back went better than expected. A new girl has come to our class, which was a nice addition to our small group of students. I have been to Anna's place and had super fun there. I could go on and on about these things, but just for the sake that this is not much of a private blog, I think it's better to let them go.

Elsa and Bimbo are doing well. You wouldn't think that since my leisure time is wasted on school work that I would have time to photograph both cuties, but that is the true fact. I have been actively photographing both Elsa and Bimbo, and have got a special surprise for you at the end of this post... ☺

But first, let me introduce the cat diva of them all - Paavo!

Yep, here he goes. The cat with an ego bigger than his size. He was reluctant to cooperate when I photographed him at Anna's, but I eventually got some nice pictures. My favourites are the ones where he is drinking fresh milk, which I have put into the video at the end.

Here are some cute pictures of Elsa and Bimbo over the weeks that have passed:

Taking it easy for a while...

...just relaxing.

Hiding in the pillow are we?

And now to the special surprise...

So, I was over at Anna's place, had super fun as I already told you. We got to feed the 1-day old calf with fresh milk from his/her Mommy, I got to help feeding the animals and we talked about everything fun between heaven and hell. But what made the visit rise up from the rest was this:

Yes, a new kitten - the smallest one I've ever seen, and definitely one of the cutest!

Xe (because nobody knows if it's a she or a he) is the favourite kitty of Granny Cat, the oldest cat on the farm. She cleans her and follows her clumsy steps whenever she can. And xe, the little kitty, just wants to explore the whole world with her granny!
If I could name xir, xe would be called Emi. And Anna and her family have no plans of selling xir or having xir as theirs, so there is a possibility that we will get xir as a third cat in the house! Nothing has been planned though, and it's just one possibility among the others, but it's a very cute possibility nevertheless!

Isn't xe cute? ☺

And here's the video! ☺

Oh well, now I'm off to get some rest, maybe drink a coffee or two. Tonight my parents are probably going out together, which means me and my brothers are going to have a home movie night. This is gonna be fun!

See you!

134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...