Friday 29 April 2016

101. Chasing the sunset

Hey y'all!

I've been away again, but the main reason there, on why I've been away is that I have been fighting with WordPress, another blogging platform. I have dreamed of another, more "professional" blog platform, so I thought it'd be great to expand and transfer my blog over there. But after a longer while of struggling and being confused with how many freaking limitations there are, I thought that WP was not for me... and Blogger, my love, she's the one! So I am still here, blogging with Blogger, the easiest and limitation-free site I know. And I won't change it, for an extended while to come. ☺

Okay - we're off to other things!
Like the title says, I literally chased the sunset some nights ago. Mum pointed out how beautiful a sunset there was, and I got to my feet from the sofa immediately. I had been outside earlier, reading Prospero's Children and drinking hot chocolate - by 'earlier' I mean literally five to ten minutes prior to coming inside. I glanced outside, then stared and admired its beauty... for three seconds max, before I, in my pajamas and bathrobe and slippers, ran outside with the camera and started photographing like crazy! Mum had imagined I'd say on the porch, but without further thinking I ran past the nursery school and football field, almost to the vocational school near us - and once there, I photographed, photographed and photographed! Here are the results, which display the sun's last breaths almost as beautifully as they did in real life! ☺

My father got kind of angry at Emi a few days back, as she is peeing everywhere and every time she gets the chance. It might be something in her kidneys that she associates peeing in her toilet with pain, so Dad has planned on calling the vet when he gets the chance. The kitties were locked in the Elsa Studio for some nights, and oh how disappointed they were! From early morning to late night they meowed and sang their sad little songs - "oh we never, ever get the taste of freedom" and "why are we never ever fed?". I took the chance to visit them one night, and see for myself how they were doing. And boy were they bitter! Elsa was just sitting on the sofa-bed with Bimbo a few, ten centimeters away (both had their "serious and pissed" -looks on simultaneously) and Emi was meowing, "why, why, whyyy???". They were supremely confused, but enjoyed my company! Here are some pictures I took there:

Also, Ella the Dog got a haircut on Wednesday! I had a free period from school and got home to drink coffee, and when I saw her come home with my Dad... Oh dear how I squealed, of a pure overdose of cuteness! I can't even begin to tell you how cute she was, with her somewhat bald hair and big, fluffy ears, so here's a picture... or a few! ☺

Isn't she adorable? Mum and I went for a walk in the evening sun with her, and I took videos with our camera, so there will definitely be a video up in the near future!

There were also coltsfoots growing in the sun, and of course I just had to photograph a few!

So the struggle with WordPress has been the major thing I've been doing besides photographing, regarding Symphonicats. I will most probably be vlogging again this weekend, as many times I've tried and I haven't been even content with any of them... truly hoping this weekend will change it!

This weekend it's also First of May, which is heavily celebrated at least here in Finland. We're eating a brunch on Sunday and going to a May-market in Tikkurila on either Saturday or Sunday, like we did last year. Remember the home-made fudge? Yeah, I can't wait. ☺

I promised in my last post that the blog posts would be rich in content - I believe they are, somewhat, but are they enough? If you have any blog post ideas, please let me know in the comment section! I love hearing from you!

This night I probably will be brainstorming blog topic ideas, just to get that promise fulfilled, and maybe drink some tea and read on the porch. It had been raining all day every day the whole week, and yesterday the rain got into a downpour in the evening! It was cosy, except for that it started just as I got home from Helsinki! I had been visiting Ateneum all alone, and had enjoyed a drawing session in the cafe afterwards. It was a lovely day, although the rain - but on the other hand, wasn't the rain a cosy little finishing touch to the day? Pinning things on Pinterest in the bed, while listening to the rain dancing on the rooftop... it was truly amazing!

I hope the next few days are going to be sunny! How about Your plans for the weekend; the First of May? What have you thought to celebrate this weekend?☺

Alright, I'll see you all soon!


Friday 15 April 2016

100. Let's have some more ice cream! - Symphonicats' 100th blog post!!!


It's the 100th post of Symphonicats! YAY!

What a long, wonderful journey it's been! I can't believe it's soon two years since I started this blog, but I guess time flies while you're having fun. I've loved every bit and piece of blogging, and I am positive that I will keep on writing and sharing my own lifestyle and the lifestyle of my cats! With excitement in my hand and passion in my heart, I look forward to more of Symphonicats!

Thank you all who have been part of my journey, or watched me travel and develop in the world of blogging! I love you all! ♥

And with 100 posts made, I promise next posts are going to be content-rich in one way or the other, with a new great school period started I will probably be more active on doing different things! I will of course be sharing those things with you, my friends and followers! That which I have promised you before, will truly be bound to happen! ☺


How are you? I'm really sorry I haven't been writing, there has been so much going on these past two weeks! Both good and bad things have taken place, and I think it's best I'd get straight to the less good point. Just to purge the inflammation off the negative things... just so it could heal.

In this matter it's always been emotionally painful, but these last few weeks have been extremely rough. I am talking about my grandfather, my dear grandfather. He passed away yesterday. A brave fighter in cancer, not just like in any cliche movie, but for real. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer in summer 2015, but had lived on like it wouldn't be a big deal. For him, it wasn't: he continued doing everyday chores, spending time with his grandchildren (like taking me to art exhibitions) and even writing a book for us to remember him. For him, the biggest deal was his children, his wife and his grandchildren. He always took care of us, loved us and showed it, even in the end. I last saw him on Tuesday, and this time he was in such bad health it made me sad... but he still wanted to hug me and hold my hand. He knew the end was near, we all did... but even though I had prepared myself, it still came as a shock to me. I am still feeling strange, I haven't yet really realised what has happened. The funeral is in May, but it feels like he'd still be here with us. What comforts me is that he's always in our hearts, and from there, not even Death can take him away.

Rest in peace, grandpa. Unlike all the travelling  you've made with your family around the world in your life, this is your final journey, and your destination is in the arms of an angel. Be safe. I love you.


Alright, now that's off my chest. Let's proceed to the positive things that have happened during my time off-blogging!

I went to a youth center called Sateenkaarevat nuorten illat yesterday - the evening hangout for LBGTQI-people powered by (He)Seta, remember? It was really fun, both to be in Tikkurila during a gentle spring breeze and a beautiful sunset later on, and to be with other people (yes, the antisocial little crab crawled out of her shell!). They were all very friendly and kind, and I even made a new friend!
I don't know yet what gender my friend identifies with, so I'll just use the same pronoun I used when it was unknown whether Emi was a girl or a boy - that would be xe. Xir name is Havu, and xir hair is green, which is funny because "havu" is the Finnish word for sprig or twig, those seen in trees! She is a geek like me, who watches series like Game of Thrones and X-Men and reads fantasy books, but xir's also an artist as well: xe draws (wonderfully!) and writes fanfiction, the things I do with World of Warcraft, hehe! I gave xir my number and we've been chatting by text all day, and I wish to see xir again, at the youth center or someplace else. ☺

And on Tuesday, before visiting my grandpa at the hospital, my father and I went first to Ateneum, to a random art exhibition, and after that to Ben&Jerry's Free Cone Day! There were other people on that sunny spring day, too, and everybody was having a great time - the people dressed as cows hosting the event made sure of it! ☺

My flavour was Cookie Dough Switch Up, while my Dad got what the heart shows!

Yum! ♥
It must've been on Monday when I came home after school, and little mister Bimbo followed me literally everywhere! The kitchen, the dining room, the living room, even the toilet was a place where I just had to pet him and receive the purr-y kisses he gave me! Such a sweetheart, a Mommy's boy! ☺

Blurry pic, ugh!

What are your plans for the weekend? I will be visiting my grandma, but also I'm probably going to get back to vlogging I hope! I have downloaded three relatively new computer games and I'll be playing them at some point, vlogging or not - but only after I've got my room tidied, haha! Their names are Blade & Soul, EverQuest (re-downloaded, thanks Steam! ♥) and Aion. I can't wait to play them all!
Right now I just need some rest, I've got an awful stomach/leg ache, boo! Maybe I will be watching (World of) Warcraft lore videos (because let's face it, I am a terrible lore-whore) or playing the game itself? Whatever I decide to do, I well deserve some rest after this week, and I wish you all a fun and great weekend!

I'll see you next time! I love you!

134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...