Friday 31 October 2014

24. What happens when summer ends? Halloween!!

Hi everybody!

And happy Halloween to you all!

The next thing you're going to ask me is
"Is there going to be a party?"


I'm afraid not...

(oh what a surprise)

But really guys. Anna was supposed to come over for a sleepover, but things got a little too complicated and so she couldn't. I guess it's the best, though, as she now focuses on personal things for a while. And, for God's sake, I bet she doesn't want to see me past midnight...

me and my babes... just an insight of what "midnight fun" means to me
But anywho, I'm still going to have a blast! Me and Anna bought a whole bunch of sweets for us to enjoy, but I guess there will be just one person now who will wreck the sugar beast... but that's okay! Anna said it's OK, and I believe her words, so everything is really OKAY with big letters. Even with Anna, despite cancelled plans. Hugs to you sweetie!

This 'set' includes additionally two huge bottles of soda, just FYI... ;)

My plans for tonight include watching horror movies. Not like "I'm-going-to-have-nightmares-for-the-six-months-post-watching-the-movie", but, you know, movies that are a bit overrated. People are afraid of them to death, but I just laugh like heck. Like The Grudge 1-3 and The Ring 1 & 2. The Ring is one of my favourite movie series, as it's a nice story and creates this great haunting atmosphere. I have seen the movies about four, five times already, and they can't get better than what they are. Though overrated, it's a nice one if you want shivers down your spine.

Other plans than watching horror movies include surfing on Netflix all night long baby  playing WoW and hanging 'round the net. Guess that's all I'll do with this "party" on, featuring me, I, and myself... meh. I guess I'll have to stick to painting my nails and other fun stuff. ☺

But no can do. Here are some pictures of cats to feature here at the end!

P.S. I'm terribly sorry for the lame-ness of this post, but I'm tired after a stressful week and planning to take it easy for a while, as you have read.

And P.S.S., if you are into foreign antique and fluffy white dogs, I bet you are going to enjoy my next blog posting... ;)

Have a nice time! See you!

Wednesday 29 October 2014

23. Never give up! + 10th day of the Kitten Diary!


Just to keep you guys informed on why there is a lack of updates here, it's this: I'm going through a small obstacle in life right now, but I will still try to update my blog whenever I can/have the motivation to do so. Right now I'm feeling fine, so fine it's almost insane. ;D

Right. Yesterday was one tough day among the others, so that's why I couldn't update that day. But that day is now history. Moving one day at a time with Anna as my "compañero", I shall see the sun again this year. Don't worry about me. ☺

Alright, I just came home from school and now have been singing like a maniac the whole evening. Bimbo was happy to see me, so happy in fact he was a tough one to photograph! I haven't seen Elsa since early in the morning, but I guess she'll show up when she wants to, the little diva that she is... Emi is in my parents' room, sleeping on every cat's ultimate favourite spot: the chair with soft blankets and even softer sheep hides on. Even humans love that spot, and thus, naturally, so do the cats!

Day 10, Wednesday: Emi has grown a whole lot during the time with us - both physically and mentally. She now knows when there is food served, when people come home to play with her, and so forth. But she has also grown in size, though you might not see it in the photographs! She'll be as big and beautiful as her mother, the Granny Cat, I'm certain of it! ☺

Here are some pictures I have taken with my camera today and yesterday!

My motivation for this week in a nutshell

That's all for now. See you!

Sunday 26 October 2014

22. Make love, not Warcraft!


Wow. That's the only thing I can say about this day. Not that there would've been anything remarkable that I'd achieved today, no, but because this whole day was spent on playing WoW...

Well I guess it's still quite remarkable as I haven't had the feel for it in a longer while. For about a month I had just logged in and logged out, maybe visiting the season events with my main characters every now and then. So this day was different, from that aspect.

I played with my two favourite characters: Pellachu, a level eightie, and Kobain, right now level 69 (just for the LOLs). Both characters are on a private (= pirate) server called Molten-WoW. There are many expansions in the Molten-WoW server, but I play Wrath of the Lich King only, just running around with my level thirtie on Cataclysm every now and then (her name is Morsokiller if you really want to know, which I think, suggesting by the lengths of explaining a silly game to you, you don't).

Her guild name describes my life

For about a fortnight there is this seasonal event called Hallow's End. It's based on Halloween, the real-life annual event, starting in the latter half of October and ending on the 31st of the same month. You can trick or treat all Innkeepers, get funny masks to wear (Pellachu's got a Female Gnome mask on the picture below while Kobain is wearing a Female Draenei one), transform others to ninjas and bats and whatever lies between heaven and hell (picture below shows Kobain transformed into Bimbo a black cat) and so much more. Seasonal events are one of the reasons why I play WoW in the first place, and I think Hallow's End is my favourite one, directly after Brewfest, of course!

Hallow's End in Stormwind City. Picture from Wowpedia

So today as I was playing with Kobain, leveling her up some, I thought: "[Kobain] would make a nice model for a photoshoot or something." I mean, why not? She's a night elf, everybody loves night elves (except the whole faction of Horde), and she's just nice. Niiiice. Although she maybe isn't a fashion icon, dressing up in stupid hats and funny boots and having greasy white hair, she is a fun Nelf to watch grow. Today she got this helmet which makes her look hilarious, but that's okay I guess, as long as I am not ashamed to death by my favourite character's looks.

As a result of my pondering over the whole photoshoot thingy, I decided to do it and took Kobain to whatever places I could, to take funny pictures. Here they are!

 (I cannot lie here - I just love the photo above)

Okay, now I guess we've talked enough about World of Warcraft here. Moving on to the next subject, the kitten diary!

Day 9: Emi has now got an official name, in case someone states that Emi is not a 'real' name to give to a cat. Her name is Emilia, but we call her Emi just because it sounds easier and much cuter in our ears. Today, Emi went to my brother's room and slept on a purple blanket on his desk. So cute! She hasn't left her spot during the whole day, and I should probably go check how she has it. Emi's eyes are also beginning to get brown, away from the baby blue. Way to go, Emi!

I'm sorry there is a lack of cats in this entry, but I'll make it up to you later on. From me, I wish you a happy Sunday to you all!

See you!

Saturday 25 October 2014

21. A day in Helsinki!

Hello everybody!

I'm sorry for not having updated in a long while. Blame it on schoolwork and personal issues (don't worry, I'm fine now ☺). Though, if you think a couple of days is not 'a long while', then I guess it's okay for me to continue where I left, now four days later. But in my opinion, I should have updated on the kitten diary, but was too busy and tired not to bother. Sorry! This all is going to change, I hope, as it's weekend and all.

So. I've been fine, though it's been a bit stressful this whole week. I don't know why, but it just has. Today was and is a nice day, though!

Today I went to Helsinki with my mother, to Stockmann's Akateeminen Kirjakauppa (in English it's something like the Academic Bookstore) to have a look at some books. Partially because I tend to be a huge bookworm sometimes, partially because I was looking for a christmas/birthday present for Anna. I felt very sophisticated and still feel it, hoping it will carry on until tomorrow! I found what I was looking for, gladly! And I also found this awesome book my former teacher used to read to us:

"And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini

After my visit at Akateeminen I went to McDonalds for lunch. I ordered a cheeseburger meal and a McFlurry with Toblerone. Very sophisticated indeed, heh! When I had finished my lunch I went to Rauttis (the railway station) and got on the nearest bus to get home.

Oh, and when I was walking through the streets from Stockmann to McDonalds, I saw this golden guy who played the guitar every time someone gave him a coin. I hadn't seen one since my trip to Denmark, long ago! I also saw this awesome street musician who played with filled bottles. I gave him 10 cents because he was truly amazing! I would have given him one whole euro if I had had one, but I was so fascinated I just gave him what I found in my pockets. Oh, you should have seen him!

*60's rock playing in the background*

I recently got home, and I'm super tired, but I have to do what needs to be done and update this blog. But it's okay, I love updating Symphonicats! It's very relaxing and cool. It also "increases my need for Fun", as they say in The Sims, LOL!

Emi has been fine, Elsa and Bimbo likewise. Elsa has accepted the little one and Bimbo, well, Bimbo has adopted her. He looks after her, cleans her and lets her sleep on him as he watches nobody harms little Emi. If that isn't cute, I don't know what is!

I will make a summary of all days gone by without any update, and put them into one kitten diary entry.

Days 5, 6, 7 and 8: Emi is clearly now a part of the family. She plays with Bimbo's tail, Elsa is cool with her and everybody loves her. She doesn't really like being lifted away from Bimbo, as she starts complaining immediately! She has a very loud voice and purr, have we noticed, but that was quite predictable because she is indeed a loud little chick! Her favourite spot is the red chair in the living room where she and Bimbo usually sleep together. Some nights ago Bimbo was sleeping and Emi came to sleep with him, and half asleep Bimbo wrapped one paw over Emi's neck, to protect her! It was so cute!

To finish this entry, here are some pictures of Elsa, Bimbo and Emi from the week gone by.

See you later!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

20. Tortoiseshell upon red!


Today was a good day, even though Anna wasn't at school. School was fine nevertheless. After school I bought two donuts (very healthy, yes!) and ate them in the car while my mother drove me to my singing lesson. I've told you that I sing, haven't I? No? Well, now you do know! It's been on for about a month now, with me "exercising" my voice every day by singing Within Temptation and Nightwish songs. My folks better get used to a chubby, long-haired metalhead soprano singing in the house soon. ;)

As I've had my singing lesson and all, I took a 30 minute shower. Normally, people don't really shower for that long, but the whole bathroom is an idyllic place for me to sing. I sang and sang and sang, until my mother came to say dinner's ready. Whoa ☺

Now, after dinner, I've had time to watch little Emi's adventures in the house, with Bimbo as a loyal companion. All I've seen will be in the kitten diary, and all I've seen has been cute!

So, without further parley, let's move on to the next subject: the kitten diary!

Day 4, Tuesday: We got to know yesterday that Emi is a girl by lifting her and looking under her tail. A little girl with a loud voice though, as her meows can be heard from one floor to the other! I slept in the same room as the cats, again, which caused me to get early to sleep and to be woken up a bit late... But as I lay there on the bed, I could feel four, then eight, then twelve paws on my back, and soon there were three cats spread around me, sleeping! Emi purred loudly, Bimbo was deeply asleep and Elsa looked more satisfied than ever.
Today I came home to see Emi and Bimbo sleeping on the red armchair in the living room. It looked the same as yesterday - Bimbo being asleep and not minding a little kitten sleeping on his feet. Cute! Sadly, I wasn't fast enough to take a picture, but from yesterday I do have one! Here it is:

That's all for now. The Mentalist airs today on TV, and I have to get ready for Robin Tunney and Amanda Righetti... ☺

See you!

Monday 20 October 2014

19. Sleepy time... except for the little one!

Hey everyone!

How have you been? I've been fine, been since Friday (as you may guess). Even Sunday, my ultimate stressing day, was great. The reason why I didn't post on day was simple - I was a bit too busy playing with cats and The Sims 3. Some World of Warcraft was also played (not on Kobain unfortunately) and much coffee was drunk, and that pretty much made my day whole.

 (Pictures above were taken on Saturday)

Today was a great day as well. Anna was over at our place, seeing how things were for Emi. And wonders happened! Emi wasn't afraid of people like xe had been before, and let us play with xir and pet xir and hug xir as much as we wanted! What a miracle, considering xe had only been ours for three whole days!

As we played with Emi, I had this idea of a kitten diary. It's like a regular diary of Emi and her days as our little cat. I'm sorry Elsa and Bimbo are adults and thus cannot be given a 'kitten diary', but other kind of update of their lives is available, and it's this blog! Symphonicats is like a diary of their daily life, isn't it? The information is just a bit compressed, but should be enough to keep you guys up to date.

So, let's make the kitten diary into a thing! I shall begin with the first days, as for a starter.

Day 1, Saturday: 24 hours since Emi came to us has passed. Xe is very afraid of people, because last time a human touched xir, xe got locked up in a cage away from her Mommy. Xe barely eats and has peed and pooped repeatedly on the floor and in her little bed. Emi is very scared, still, and hasn't left from xir spot from under the sofa or the bed.

Day 2, Sunday: 48 hours has passed since Emi came to us. Now xe eats and does xir business in the right place. Emi mostly sleeps at days and hisses at whoever comes to interfere xir sleep. When evening falls xe dares to explore places outside the Cat Studio or the sofa, and dares to play a bit with xir little toys. At nights xe is tired enough to let us pet xir, just a little, but enough for us to realise how soft xe really is.

Day 3, Monday: Now it's been 72 hours since the evening Emi came to us. This all happened today - Emi played with me and Anna like any kitten would, xe didn't complain when being lifted and hugged (well, maybe a little at first, but xe got over it), and Elsa and Bimbo were ultra nice to xir! How awesome is that?

Tomorrow will promise a new day in school with Anna and a new day to play with the little cat. I shall see you then!

Saturday 18 October 2014

18. March of the Turks? More like the Purrs!

Heya all!

One wouldn't think, but last night when sleeping in the same room with three cats, I slept well! I woke up well rested even though there was a little kitten nibbling my big toe... I also woke up around 4 a.m. when Elsa and Bimbo were trying to deal with the newcomer. I witnessed our little kitty eating for the first time since getting here, and it was a good sight to see, and a good sign to receive.

When let out of the Cat Studio, the little kitten was too afraid to leave xir spot under the bed, behind some paintings. But how it would change! At some point during forenoon, the little kitten was exploring the world outside Elsa Studio. Just for some minutes, not much, but still enough for it to come back later. Xir curiosity overcame her fear, and so xe went all the way to the dining room and back to the Cat Studio, with a new friend - Bimbo, who now had accepted and got quickly used to a little kitten sniffing him and butting him with xir head. Cute!

Yes, I promised I would take pictures of our little kitty now that I had spent a night with them. But guess what, I'm staying there tonight as well, as I didn't get ANY pictures. I guess I just wasn't that quick to take photographs, and guess I was super tired, too. But don't worry, I believe tonight I might be luckier!

Also, I guess I haven't told you guys and gals, but this kitten has been named. Xir, as we do not know of her gender yet, is called Emi. Cute name, whaddaya think? ☺ It would suit xir if xe was a boy or if xe was a girl. If a boy, we might officially name xir Edi or Emil, but Emi is what we now call her. Despite Anna's mother who said xe could be called Maajussi. ;)

I made a video of the clips and photographs both me and Anna have been taking and recording. I asked deliberately if I could use her clips in the video, and she said yes. So if you are troublesome about the credit, don't worry. All I didn't do was asking Mozart himself if I could use his piece of music. ☺

Every day is one step forward for Emi to get used to xir new home and family. Yesterday, xe didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't even meow, just hissed at everything and shook because of the immense fear xe felt. Today was truly different, though not every issue has vanished, xe is more brave and curious and that might help xir to melt the fact this is xir new life.

I should go eat now. We have minute steak, wedges and Brussels sprout for dinner. Delicious!

See you again!

Friday 17 October 2014

17. The little one is coming home + nature photographs!


Today is a very special day, and so I, since waking up, have decided to make this day worth good memories.

When I woke up and saw the beautiful autumn trees outside, I had a huge urge to go and photograph the neighbourhood in its autumnal beauty. It's super cold, despite it being only October, but it didn't prevent me from taking lots of photographs. 100+ pictures in one hour, not bad! Below are my favourites.

Finland - land of the puddles frozen in October

And of course, when I got home, there were two cats waiting for me. My camera's battery was running low, but I still managed to take some nice pictures of Elsa and Bimbo. I like the last one, it looks like a dramatic scene in an action movie or something like that. It doesn't happen every day that these two get close enough for a picture like these ones.

Well, well, well... look who we have here

*dramatic music*

At around 3 p.m. me and my family went to Anna's to bring them the cage our little kitten would be put in, along with a huge box of chocolate as a thanks for giving xir to us (despite Anna's mother who said "all that we need is a loving home for the little cat"). After that, we went to Pilvijärvi, which we call by the Swedish name equivalent Molnträsk, for a hike. It was amazing, the whole family hiking in the utterly magical woods, with chocolate as a reward for every kilometer we walked, and the thought of getting a new cat as the biggest reward close to our minds. Molnträsk surely is an awesome place to go to, especially for photographing nature. I did that, and below are the best photos I managed to take.

me yay

When we got back to our car we drove straight away back to Anna's to get the little kitty. Xe was super scared, hissing at everyone and everything, eyes big and full of fear. The trip home went well, and we immediately put xir in what we call the Elsa Studio or the Cat Studio (a study room which also functions as a guest room) to let xir get to know her new surroundings. After a while, the little kitty was too curious to resist coming out of her box she had travelled in, and begun to explore this new place she had been taken to.

(photo credit: Anna)

Bimbo saw xir first, and became super scared, running away like a madman. But Elsa wasn't as fearful for the new family member. She went to look at this new creature, which resembled a cat but was much smaller. And the little kitten looked at Elsa, who calmly approached xir. Before anyone could utter a word, the little kitty had rushed to Elsa, to sniff her with her small nose! And Elsa was maybe surprised, but didn't do anything to prevent xir actions. It was extremely adorable!

Now, with three slices of pizza in my stomach and the warmth of the sauna still warming my body, I now should go to see a movie with my family before going to sleep in the Cat Studio. Yes, you may know what that means - hopefully more pictures of all three kitties!

See you tomorrow, then!

134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...