Tuesday 31 May 2016

103. The gentlemen's invasion


Long time no see! How are you all?
I have been working on so many personal matters that I haven't had the time to give in to blogging, but now that summer's on its way and many issues are resolved almost completely, I finally can surrender to the temptation of blogging again! And it's still May, so yay!

I have been very busy and thereafter very tired, but have always had the delight of writing and photographing in mind! Since May Day I have had much pressure for school and health, but because of the effects from each other both have suffered gravely. That means I have got nothing done for school because of my health (physical + mental) and nothing done to my well-being because of school. I've tried my best to keep them balanced, but the stress just is never enough for them. Sigh.
I hope that's going to change for the last week of school, which starts on Monday and ends on Saturday a bit after 10 o'clock, when I've got my grades and a free spirit for summer! ☺

So I guess I'll just proceed to telling you of my (and the cats') adventures!

On Saturday (Caturday!) I went to Anna's, after such a long time. I saw Findus, Compañero, Kidi and little Heppu, all as lively as I had remembered them! But the most exciting thing of the day was when we went to Tolkkisten Kissatalo, a cat rescue center where Anna works as a volunteer! They had a spring fair with many things to sell, but they also had a lottery, food, and most importantly: cats. The cats were in quarantine rooms to prevent their possible illnesses from spreading, but being still just as cute! With adorable names to add to it (names I can't remember, unfortunately) it was a trip worth the visit!
And Anna suggested I'd come some weekend with her to take care of the cats behind the glass, which would be super fun for the Catarazzi I am!

If you live without a cat and want to change that, and most probably if you live in Finland, you can always visit this little place in Porvoo and adopt one! The stray and abandoned cats desperately need a loving home from all the unjust things done to them. If you'd like to pay a visit to their website (in Finnish and Swedish, that's why I thought most visitors would be from Finland) or if you just like to see pretty pictures of cats, here's the link!

After our time at the cat fair came the time to go home - to Anna's. There was a snow-white sir waiting for us but who had fallen asleep on a cardboard box, and a tabby gentleman whose first attempt at bonding was to get into my bag! I fell in love with these two buds after such a dreadfully long time, and we went photographing with these two - Findus and Heppu!

Heppu was just about the best male model I have ever had the chance to sit down and run around and photograph. Just as photogenic as I had remembered him to be, when he was just a squeaking little ball of fur! The pictures turned out a-ma-zing, just have a look at them yourselves!

And then we have little Findus, who, despite his senior years, is a true kitten at heart - although a lazy one on occasion! But once you got him with his PT Heppu, he was unstoppable...
Findus was a great contrast against the rich green grass, which was a great plus at making him visible! This wouldn't have been that easy were it winter ☺

The two gentlemen I had the pleasure to meet again made it to a video featuring them two and a glimpse of little Mr Tuxedo! The music was found by searching "symphonic music for gentlemen", and I can say I never doubted the power of Google! With Anna playing with Heppu and Findus, and little Bimbo just being silly, I hope you enjoy the video as much as I do! ☺

Last weekend my hippie Mother Earth of a Mum and I went to Helsinki's two most marvelous cosmetic stores: Ruohonjuuri and Lush. If you would've been in any of the two, you'd know there just aren't enough words in the language of any universe to describe the luscious, utmost wonderful smell both the stores contained. It was like paradise! And we got home with pieces of that paradise: for me, a piece of solid shampoo from Lush and a brightening peel mask (which was meant for elderly people, whoops!) from Ruohonjuuri, made by Mádara.

Ecological, cruelty free, and hippie-like products made themselves a lovely place in my heart, and I long to go there again to look at all that makeup, skincare products, food... and tea. Yes, folks. I found what I had sought for the longest of time. Pukka cinnamon & licorice tea. My life just got a bit better. ☺

The apple trees have blossomed and flourished after such a long time of rain! So I'm expecting a lot of apples and hard work, but also quality time with those who help us out to make delicious apple juice - which we traditionally give to every man and woman around the corner for no real reason. ☺ But the trees are staying gorgeous the whole summer, and I can't wait to take a blanket under them and read a book for a whole day!

Speaking of which, I have finally, oh finally, had the chance to begin reading my ultimate favourite book's second part: behold, Heir to the Shadows by Anne Bishop!!! ☺

And this far I am not an ounce disappointed! Though I haven't had time to read for what seems like an eternity, I am 110% positive I will have wonderful memories made with this book throughout the summer. Oh yeah. ♥

Emi has made the most out of the sun's energy and is found literally everywhere! First you see her in the kitchen preying for food, then bumping her head against her best friend Bimbo, after which you can find her sleeping on one of the dining room's chairs with her paws neatly together! Such a little cutie, so lovable! She could be lurking in your house's shadows at this very moment... who knows?

Our little redhead finds the cat cave my brothers built almost too exciting as well!

Not to mention her carriage cage - literally no traumas after her move to us and the visits to the vet!

Also, she and Ella have found a common hobby: popping bubble wraps!

...while Queen Elsa looks at them with pity in her emerald green eyes. "What savage behaviour! I am never getting my fur dirty with that!"

And Bimbo?
Always finding time for a little rest. Momma's boy. ♥

Summer is almost here! Oh my God, I have waited for this for such a great time! I went with my grandma to buy not one but two summer dresses today - I will show them both in the next post! Tomorrow is my final exam for the first year of upper secondary school, that being a chemistry test. I have loved my time at the school I am in now, but I am really looking forward to the wonderful days summer will bring me! Soon it will be here for us to enjoy. ☺

I guess that's about it! I'll see you all next time - in June!


134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...