Sunday 11 September 2016

114. Foggy mornings, and a bed fit for a Queen


It's been a quiet, lazy weekend, or so would anybody say and expect. At least, that's what I expected. The truth is, small but big things have happened, and I mean only of the good kind!

Alright, I have to admit I was a bit sad, or at least a little plaintive, but that was because something happened yesterday at the Shamrock Restaurant in Tikkurila. We were there with the other hosts and the Brazilians as well, eating Finnish food (oven-cooked salmon, reindeer, oven-cooked root vegetables... all the delicacies!). I stayed for a bit less than the others because I wanted to be home "at human time" which meant I left around 7:30 to eat sweeets and just be a bit of a homebody (or room-body, as I spent the whole evening in my room) for the rest of the evening. But! The thing that I wanted to tell you about is that I found a new friend at the restaurant!

Her name is Ana and she is the shortest and least Hispanic-looking girl of the lot. We talked the practically the whole time I was there, and if she went and talked Portugese with the other Brazilians, I'd go sit and eat with another Brazilians - I really was welcome to join them, against my doubts! I also talked with a few Brazilian guys, of which one said he likes Metallica and Iron Maiden (hello, inner metalhead!) which was really awesome! I talked about music and pets with Ana, and I built up my courage to ask her exchange mobile phone numbers, and we did! Right now she's either at the airport with no WiFi, which means no WhatsApp for us yet, or right on the airplane already. She is a really funny character, confident and kind - we actually went, as the only brave ones, dancing at the restaurant in the middle of the crowd! It was a very fun experience, and I am so sending her something from Finland to her on her birthday and in Christmas.

We're also planning with my school on going to Brazil in April 2017! It would be the best opportunity to both see what Ana and Felipe do on their (little) freetime, and also taste the Brazilian espresso Ana has been praising all the time! It's not a sure thing yet with the technical part, but it's still a doable dream!

So I had a wonderful time with the Brazilians, and I wished to both Felipe and Ana, and mentally to the rest of the group, a safe trip home. It was heartbreaking to just say goodbye and hope to see them soon, but although the distance, we still were one. Some Brazilians were actually crying, and some hosts were quite a lot sad, but that's only because now, after a week and really during the whole week as well, we felt like a large family - and family always sticks together. ♥

But that's not the only thing that's kept the excitement up!

Today Mum and my brother were looking for empty bottles that my other brother had (probably) left in our backyard. What is different from many other countries (including Brazil!) is that if you collect bottles and cans like Pepsi and Fanta and such, you actually can get 0,10-0,40 € for each empty bottle and can when returning them at a store! My oldest younger brother usually takes our bottles every now and then, and buys something for himself with the money, as a "reward" for taking care of the household's tidiness.

Anyway, my youngest brother found some bottles and cans, and while looking for them they left the back door wide open. They returned after a few minutes, and closed the door, doing their own stuff all happily just like the rest of us did.

What we didn't notice, or what the said brother noticed in all panic, was that Mr Tuxedo, Bimbo, had sneaked to the backyard while Mum and my brother were gathering cans and bottles! He was out there, luckily only on our backyard, meowing so loud, like a small, ferocious lion! Our boy was very confused and just as scared, and ran like a panther inside when we called for him! We've never in our lives had an outdoor cat, and this was a bit too much for us - and Bimbo as well. We were super relieved he was alright, and so was he as he purred to us and napped on the sofa afterwards. I have a poster on my wall that says "just a homebody who wants to travel the world", which I think describes both me, with my ambitions to travel around Earth, but also little El Bimbo, who had a taste of freedom - which he traded for cuddles with his forever family. ☺

Here are pictures of our happy boy! First he is all "OK guys, thanks for letting me in, I really appreciate it"...


Animal Planet was right - Sunday is the most glorious day of the week. That was proven to me when I went outside with Ella this morning, and although it was already 9 o'clock in the morning, it was still chilly after the night - and so terrifically foggy. I took the opportunity by the hand and took my camera with me, going for a longer walk that Ella, and I too, appreciated. I'll say this again, I haven't edited anything in these pictures, like I do with most pictures ever since I got Lightroom on my laptop. Raw, unedited photos ahead!

Oh, and here is an yet unpublished picture of two unlikely souls after doing their mischief - or actually, piss-chief (har har)! As you might know, every time my father is not travelling for his job, basically every time he is home there is a little Pissis ("pissis" is Finnish for chavette; Mum calls Emi this solely because it has the word 'piss' in it) and pees on Dad's things and on practically everything excess stuff that lies around the house. She does this only because my father stresses her out, and she's been the prettiest and kindest little princess now that my father is off around Europe. These pictures were taken when Dad was still home. Ella has taken the influence of peeing and even pooping around if she hasn't been for her morning walk in time, just to remind us to be on time every day. The yellow paper is actually soaked in cat/dog waste (it's impossible to tell - maybe both?), and the other papers are just play toys for the two. Even though they're not the best of friends, they clearly share some common thinking. Oh dear.

I will do a room tour video sometime in the (hopefully near) future, when you will see what I bought with my Mum for a lovelier and more delightful room, so I could enjoy spending time there when school would start. One of the things we bought was the cosiest blanket I have ever seen or felt, and even the kitties love it! Elsa likes to lick it as it may remind her of the mother she was taken too early from, for Bimbo it's the best cuddling platform, and Emi just likes to walk on it and feel the softness under her paws. Here are some pictures of the latter, when the blanket was temporarily on the kitchen table!

And for the last little purr in this post, little Queen Elsa hasn't been in my room for ages - and determined as she is, she wanted this to change! When I wanted to bring my laptop downstairs from my room, the little Queen with a capital Q demanded me to open the door! And once I got the door open, that little missy ran straight under my bed, and I sighed as it would take forever to get her out of there! But then I thought, it's good for me and Elsa to learn to be roommates again, like so long a time ago, when she could get into my room freely (sometimes she even opened the door herself) and I would pet her and be her older sister (still not a Queen though). I usually keep the door locked nowadays, as when my father is home, Emi and the other cats protest by peeing on stuff lying around, and I usually have a lot of stuff around my room, so it was a big no-no to get cats inside for a long while. But now, as I got my room much nicer, I am inspired to keep it tidy and clean, and with my father off around the world, I can start inviting kitties in my room again. Maybe we can even have a party, what do you think? ☺

Here are pictures prior to any of us getting in my room (notice how she just waits for the right opportunity):

 And here we have a reserved, but still content little Queen! ☺

The excitement never ends!

Now, my dear friends and followers, I will go downstairs to eat some freshly baked brownies. My fitness plan starts again tomorrow as I am without physical illnesses and all guests have gone home. So sugar and unhealthy fats only during weekends! It might sound very strict, but I'm both used to it and loving it! Tomorrow I'll also see Aukku, my cousin, in Helsinki, where we we will be shopping all evening, eventually eating something - perhaps at our standard Italian restaurant? We'll see what tomorrow brings, and of course I will show you what I got from the shops!

I have also done an autumn bucket list where I have gathered all the things I would like to do until winter! I will share that in my next post, so you have something even more to expect!

Have a nice remaining glamorous Sunday! Talk to you later!

See you!

134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...