Wednesday 7 September 2016

113. Have a slice of nature, with a pinch of cats!


It was still August in the last post, albeit just a few days prior to the month changing. I have been both bad and good in that short period of time, but mostly it's been just lovely!

As I told you a few posts ago, I was hosting a boy from Brazil this week. 'Was', because he got homesick and wanted to be with other Brazilians. Because I'm neither social by the normal standards, nor am I Brazilian, so he went to live with another host where there already were a few persons from his country there, to keep him company at all times. His name is Felipe and during the three days he was with us we both had fun, and I made a very comfortable friend - and nothing can stop us from being friends despite that he lives with another host!

But to be honest, it was quite relieving to be all alone with my family after three hectic days with someone I hadn't ever even seen before. I did have a wonderful time with Felipe, I won't deny that! It's just that after spending time with somebody, be it for a couple of hours or a week, I need to rest my mind for a good amount of time, reloading my energy or "batteries". Otherwise I can get physically ill and my mind will do tricks on me, and I will be physically exhausted and mentally drained. And that's not good for anybody. I got to properly rest only yesterday, when Felipe had gone to another hosting family during the day, and I was on my way home from Linnanmäki amusement park.

I got to think about so many wonderful things during that trip home - not people, but things. Vlogging and Symphonicats, for example. I listened to my Warmth & Comfort playlist (which is basically the whole of Within Temptation's Enter album, and Leaves' Eyes' Lovelorn - check out both on Spotify!) the whole way, followed by Vinland Saga by the ever-so delightful Leaves' Eyes. I realised how little school takes from my freetime during this period, how easy the history and how fun the photography assignments were, and that just made me even more content! I also realised my needs and priorities that I told you about in the last paragraph, and got to rest both body and mind the whole two hours of bus riding home. I treated my body like a temple and my mind like candlelight that needed rest and stability, so at home I could do the things I loved before going to sleep. I can say it wasn't the amusement park but the trip home that made the day amazing!

Today was a much better day, we went to a small, local venue in Tikkurila to spray paint exciting patterns using what nature gave us! I didn't do anything but photograph, but I felt the happiness radiate like sunrays from people and that put me in a very good mood! The teachers and students were super kind and I had a lot of fun before slowly heading towards home. Here are the best of the photographs I took!

In the afternoon we went to Kuusijärvi park to have a picnic with the whole group, and I went around the whole park to photograph! I bumped into Felipe and his classmates that didn't want to swim or go to the sauna, but otherwise I was in all solitude. I listened to music and photographed so my clothes got dirty, walked until my feet hurt and even beyond, and had the time of my life being all alone in the woods for a while!☺

Below are all the photographs I took there, because I just couldn't pick only a few - I hope you enjoy! ☺

And yes, I know I haven't put the promised lookbook video up on my YouTube channel - but it is going to be there someday! I have a surprise up in my sleeve that I hope to reveal soon, so stay tuned to be the first one to be part of it!

Also, can I honestly get enough of these flip flops Felipe got for me from Brazil?! They're so insanely beautiful! One for the summer days and the other for the gothic moments, so to speak! ☺

We were picking apples at my grandparents' place two weekends ago, and last weekend I picked some with Felipe, until my father promised my brother and cousin money if they'd pick up all the apples from the ground and the trees. All of them. And you know what? They actually freaking did it. Good to keep the boys motivated! ☺

Anyway, for the last bit of the rambling part of this post, I will highlight to you this absolutely magnificent perfume I got as a reward from doing the test in Maths (which I passed, yay!). It is in the shape of a red apple, but smells like licorice! I have been using it as much as I remember to use it, but it never fails to put me in a good mood for all those days! ☺

To conclude this post, let us have a look at the cats!

I have been photographing the female cats through the days, when they are associated to one thing: food. All the cats have been caught ripping bread and drinking Ella's water, among other things, but it's mostly Emi whose life revolves around food! Here I have a few pictures of Emi eating "cereals" as we call them, while Elsa is patiently but still impatiently waiting for her adoptive little brat of a sister finish her meal.

All I saw was her photogenic-yet-extremely-murderous face in the dark...

Oh this? We call this position the half-turkey position! Emi has been seen like this everywhere in the house, be it on the staircase posts or the sofa table like this:

And Bimbo? He's regaining his strength, just like his Little Mummy. ☺

This was just a small (small?) update on how things are going! I love writing posts, but it's a bit past 10 p.m. so maybe I do deserve some sleep. Goodnight everybody!

See you!


  1. What camera did you use when photographing those nature pictures? The quality is amazing!

    1. Thank you! I used my (or actually Mum's) small but trustworthy Olympus SLR ☺

  2. What camera did you use when photographing those nature pictures? The quality is amazing!


134. One last change...

Hey everybody! Before you ask: I know. I am just as surprised as you are, that I returned to my ex - Google Blogger. While I would never ...