Sunday 19 March 2017

131. Sweet, sweet spring! (Long time no see!) SS

It's time to be joyful: spring is finally here! Time to dust and grab your leather jacket from the rack, leaving the winter coat there instead, and watch the world awaken!
This jacket was purchased a few years ago from Only - it still fits and is in superb condition! Picture taken on my phone and edited in VSCO Camera ☺

Hello everybody!

I've been away for a longer time than I ever had intended, because of a small tragedy in my life: My computer, my beloved, treasured laptop, got in a bath with an energy drink my brother had drunk, and got a brutal death sentence on that instance. It took a while to get a new one, but now I'm typing with what appears (as the vendors of Gigantti expressed it) a copy of the laptop I had before - only on the next level, with upgraded processors, and as a girl who loves games, I just couldn't be happier!

Don't worry, I will share you every bit of my trip to Estonia... Right after getting over the grief of losing every cat photo I ever had saved on my two former laptops. Yes, the energy drink was a vile one - it destroyed the computer and nothing was saved. All my father and I managed to do was to migrate my files where my much older computer (which last breathing day was on a July day in 2014, when my white HP took over for a couple of years) had saved them, meaning that any updates to my stories, the whole Symphonicats folder, and all the schoolwork, is gone. So are the cat pictures. Baby Emi cries.

But during these dark times an old friend has awakened from their hibernation. I'm talking about spring! The sun is definitely shining these days, and watching the snow melt every passing day a little bit more is one of the things I observe with interest. And my room gets its spring vibe, too! The new look does so good to my soul ☺ I have promised to myself that when my YouTube channel is up, I'll do a room tour just for you to see it!

Because of the reason I've been so inactive here, there will be a whole lot of content that I wish to share with you. But I've come to the conclusion that instead of writing all the bits and pieces in one post, I will separate the topics and try to get as much said over time. That being said, some posts are much more cat-oriented, and the clutter of the everyday life of Pella is going to be put in individual posts! I'm getting all organised this time, and I really wish I could accomplish this divided task. It would literally mean the world to me ☺

Let's begin!

So I actually spent Friday night with my grandmother, from my father's side, setting up this laptop for blogging (and gaming), drinking Kane's and eating croissants with lemon curd put inside while listening to stories my grandma told. I bought a handful of snacks and drinks, two of them being my traditional every Friday's Kane's soda (I bought two but left the other at home, for Saturday, the "sweets day").. I also bought this Starbucks travel-sized Caffe Latte, which I hardly believe was genuine judging by the look on the price tag. But it was tasty anyway! I have a few pictures of where I drank that coffee (aesthetic still life of moments before I started packing) and how I drank it (less aesthetic). I still need to set up Photoshop so I can start editing my photos again, but until then, these are all unedited and purely lens-filtered-without-an-actual-filter ☺

I also bought two bars of chocolate, one Geisha (my all-time favourite!) and one Fazerina (which I don't usually have, but because of the discount I chose to buy it as well - I was not disappointed!).

And when I figured out how to use a teakettle that dated back to the 90's, I could enjoy one of my current favourite teas as much as I liked - this one is Pukka's tea in the flavour Vanilla Chai! I have had it before at home - I in fact brought the whole package with me so I could enjoy some mild but delicious herb water - but a little rediscovering never hurt anybody ☺

My Friday evening went by installing different programs on my laptop, getting it ready for blogging again. Yesterday I continued to carry out those tasks, installing stuff such as Dropbox, some WoW servers, and the last bits of The Sims 3. My grandmother made us some coffee in the morning, just for the taste rather than the caffeine as I had woken up at 7:45, completely awake. The instant coffee she made was super mild, maybe because it originated from Brazil, and to make it even tastier, she added a secret ingredient. You'll never guess it - she poured a teeny tiny bit of juice concentrate there! But I have to say, it really was super tasty, believe it or not! A whole new buddy for my taste buds ☺

I am a huge fan of red lips so I was extremely delighted to rediscover my Rimmel London liquid "lip colour" from my makeup collection! It stayed on super well, even as I ate - so well in fact that it was a struggle to wash it off! This one had no label left so I have no idea which colour this is in, sorry!

In the posts coming up I will show you some incredibility, such as the immense beauty of a winter-time Estonia and a cuddly little Queen. I'll also try to do something with the design of this blog before that, to welcome spring into it!

Oh, and if you have noticed that every post ends with a song or musical piece, a symphonic metal song (from Within Temptation mostly), then I have news for you: this is going to change. It will change to all genres of any song that I have been listening to lately, be it soul, metal, instrumental or other. So you'll see a lot more variation in the ending songs because I really do listen to almost anything. Some might be from many, many posts back, but I still wish to share my love for music and those songs with You, my readers. Hope you enjoy!

Have a happy Sunday, I'll see you soon!

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